Among your favorite hymns, is there one written by Fanny Crosby? As the poet who wrote over 9,000 hymn in her lifetime (1820-1915), you may well have at least sung—if not loved—some of her songs.

In an earlier blog post, I wrote about this amazing blind woman who composed her poems in her head and dictated them to a scribe. She was well known in her lifetime. 

Yet eighty-five years after her death, in 2000, a collection of 2,700 unpublished hymns by Fanny was discovered in an archive at Wheaton College.(You can read the story of this great find here.)

Fanny Crosby’s 19th century poetry is finding fresh tunes written by 21st century musicians. Her story is still being written.

Yesterday I heard one of the lost hymns of Fanny Crosby on YouTube. It is simply titled Jesus.

The lyrics have the sound of an earlier century but they offer a sweet invitation to the child of God. We may “behold Jesus with tranquil eyes” because “his hand thy fragile heart will guide. O trust thy all to Jesus.” 

What soothing balm to the deep places of our souls where weariness sets in. 

The music was written by the gospel music duo of Jim and Melissa Brady. 

These old, charming lyrics set to the modern sound make Jesus a hymn relevant across generations.

Tiffany Coburn’s rich voice and heartfelt presentation remind us of the rich truth of Jesus’ presence with us in our storms; his pure, bright, and precious love; and our promise of eternity with Jesus.

I pray this song ministers to your heart today, as it has been ministering to mine.

In the name of Jesus,

∗∗  Click here to hear Tiffany Coburn sing Fanny Crosby’s hymn Jesus.