At the the end of every Wake-up Call podcast, moderator JD Walt leads the listeners in a hymn. Recently the song we sang was How Firm a Foundation. It’s been on my mind ever since.

If a building is on a faulty foundation, it will not stand. A foundation that is solid and well-built can stand the test of time.

The Bible is the Christian’s strong foundation. Everything we need to know for life and godliness we find in the Bible (2 Peter 1:3).

Our world is a pretty shaky place these days. Uncertainty and fear are all around us. Sometimes even within us. But praise the Lord! Those who trust in Christ have a firm foundation.

Don’t you love the words of this? The third verse is my very favorite:

“When through fiery trials, my pathway shall lie, my grace all sufficient shall be by supply: the flame shall not harm the; I only design by dross to consume, and they gold to refine.”

When we find ourselves facing very difficult circumstances, we may expect the Lord to bring us out without being scathed. But Jesus told us in. John16:33, “ I have told you these things, so that in me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

The Lord loves us. He loves us enough to allow us the fiery trials that will consume the dross of our lives, and refine the gold that he sees in us. This is a lifelong process. We see it throughout scripture. And we know that God is with us. The suffering Jesus walks with us through the fire. He will not leave us; he will not forsake us. We can trust him completely with our lives.

Click here to read a story about the hymn. I think you’ll enjoy it.

Are you standing firmly on our foundation of scripture? If you’re not, you can talk to Jesus about it. He will help you find his many promises in scripture, his reassurances, that you are safe in him, even in the hard stuff.

Looking to Jesus with you,
