Mom’s cat Charlie has the right idea. When he needs a nap he finds a comfy place and konks out! Following his lead, I’ll be taking a break from my regular schedule of blogging. From time to time, I’ll post a story or something else you might enjoy, but not necessarily every Thursday.

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Of course losing Peach and preparing for her Celebration of Life is a major focus for us right now. The service will be held on Saturday, August 6, at 1:00 at Sunrise Christian Center, 11625 Airport Rd, Everett WA. We’d love to have you join us if you can.

I will also be enjoying Tom’s garden and its abundance…

…trying out some new recipes…

..watching the birds. especially the ones with bicycles. (What? Don’t you have those in YOUR neighborhood?)

…taking an occasional road trip…

(A friend long ago personalized this cartoon for me.) …breathing in the fragrance and beauty of flowers…

…and staying healthy, just like Snoopy.

I hope some of these same things are in your summer plans. And here’s one more we will all benefit from…

…keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus!
