Gathering together to study God’s Word

One of the best ways to see the Bible with fresh eyes is to participate in a Bible study. As women gather around the Bible with others, sharing insights from their time in the Word, people are stretched. They are as likely to leave with a newly planted thought to nurture and explore in the days ahead as well as some new insight that applies to their specific situation.

There are many kinds of Bible studies. For the purpose of this discussion I am talking about a group of women who attend a weekly study (sometimes more often, sometimes less) and focus on a book or a theme of the Bible. The group is led by a person who guides them through the passage, asking questions, encouraging the women to go deeper into the text, and instructing as appropriate.

The benefits for Bible Study leaders and participants

I asked my writer friends on Facebook to share with me what they considered to be a great reason to either lead or participate in a group Bible study.

Regarding Bible study leaders, both Melinda and June felt like the person who leads the group gets more out of the study because of the preparation they put into it.

As for the benefits to participants:

Learning how to apply the principles they are seeing in the Scripture to their lives. “Sometimes people have a hard time making the connection between what the Word says and how to walk it out. In discussing it, very often something shared will light up ah ‘aha’ moment in another.” (Linda)

“When I participate in a group Bible study I benefit from the input from other group members as I consider different points of view.” (June)

“It’s a blessing to learn various ways that God uses Scripture in each person’s life.” (Carol)

“Group Bible study can make clear how very real and life-changing God’s Word is as we see it bounce off others’ lives in such amazing ways. (Peg)

“For some people, the Bible Study is what gets them into the Word. It’s too easy to let the Bible collect dust from Sunday to Sunday.” (Gilbert) Carol calls that motivation.

“It opens up whole new understandings about words we may have read so often we tend to skim over them.” (Pat)

More benefits

“I like that there is generally a freedom to share personal details and prayer requests with a Bible study group—things you wouldn’t mention in a larger group.” (Sue)

My mom has been in a Bible study on the Psalms for the past few years. Women of all ages attend. When asked her about the benefits of a Bible study group, she told me she likes to hear other people’s perspective. And she likes the fellowship. Mom prepares by writing out the the Psalm they will discuss the next week and reading (and mulling) it over several times during the week. The younger gals come with their notes from searching various online resources, adding details that enhance the study. “I like to hear their input and how they process things.” Mom, who’s always loved the Bible, says she gaining a fresh appreciation for Scripture.

Here’s one final response. “I bring my history and experiences and broken places to every verse… The beauty of group Bible study is I get to see and hear how those same verses speak to a totally-other person with a different history and set of experiences and their own tender places—and I learn compassion, grace, understanding and mostly, that my way of seeing is not the only way to see it.” (Julia)

How about you?

What is the biggest benefit you’ve received from leading or participating in a Bible study group? Is it the insights into the Scripture, the things you learn as others share their own understanding? Or maybe it’s the fellowship you share around the table. Perhaps it’s the prayer time, when you carry one another to the very Throne of God.

If you have never studied God’s Word with other women, consider fining a group you can participate in. There will be new groups starting in a month or so. Now’s a good time to look into the options.

You can read more of Reading the Bible with Fresh Eyes here, here, here, here, and here.

God’s rich blessing on you as you read and study the Bible. May he give you fresh eyes as you study his Word with others.



To those who took time to respond to my Facebook request, thanks for your input. I appreciate it!