Tomorrow is the first day of Fall. In spite of the crazy past three months of 2020, I’ve really enjoyed summer. It was quieter than most years, I spent quality time with my family, I enjoyed the sun and the flowers, and I was able to launch this blog. All in all, it’s been a great summer.

The summer of 2013 also stood out to me as a time of joy and wonder. I loved being warm to my bones for weeks on end, spending wonderful times with people I love, experiencing an abundance of joy, and many other blessings. I liked it enough to write a song about it and am reviving it to share with you. I hope you enjoy it!

Ode to Summer as She Goes
To be sung to the tune of The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel,
with my sincerest apologies to them.

Good-bye summer, my old friend,
I’m sad to see you have to end,
But the calendar informed me
That your glowing sun which warmed me
Will be cooling as, tomorrow, autumn comes.
I am bummed —
There’ll soon be no more summer.

Under the sun I spent my days,
Enjoying all your gracious ways,
The fresh tomatoes from the garrrr-den,
Watching my muscles start to harrrr-den
As I walked through the neighborhood at night.
Such a delight
To have a happy summer.

Good times with friends and family,
Sitting with Tom under a tree,
A happy birthday dinner with my sis —
Who knew that life could be as sweet as this!
It was more than I ever could have dreamed,
And now it seems
We’ve reached the end of summer.

The awesome books I got to read,
The flower beds I did not weed,
The joy of summer filled my heart each day,
And now the only thing that I can say
Is, “Thank you for the marv’lous memories.
Oh, won’t you please,
Repeat yourself next summer?”