I love the simple, sweet story that this song tells.

It is the outline of the life of a follower of Jesus. Indeed, it’s the bones of each of our stories.

Myriad details, circumstances, obstacles, joys and sorrows are added to our story as our lives unfold. They build on each other and eventually the bones become the fleshed-out story of the person’s life. No two stories will be alike, but every one of them will have the elements that Chris Rice incorporated in this song.

Many people call this song “Come to Jesus.” Chris Rice called it “Untitled Hymn.”

I thought it strange that a guy who is so good with words would have failed to come up with a title. But now I see that it could be no better title for a song that tells the story of every believer.

The bones are the invitations that Jesus offers each of us. Not everybody will accept what Jesus invites them to. But if they do it will impact their life forever.

Hear the tenderness in Jesus’ invitations:

To the weak and wounded sinner, lost and left to die, Love, in the person of Jesus, passes by. “Come to Jesus and live!”

Once the burden of sin is lifted and sin’s stain has been washed away, there is great joy. “Sing to Jesus and live!”

We all start out as baby Christians and sometimes, in the process of learning to walk, we fall. We are invited to “Fall on Jesus and live!”

Expect loneliness, pain, and other troubles. That’s part of life [see John 16:33]. When that is your situation, “cry to Jesus and live!”

There will be times of love and uncontainable joy. Then “dance for Jesus and live!”

And when it is time for you bid this world farewell and slip away, you can “fly to Jesus and live!”

Do you see yourself in this story?

The life of a Jesus follower provides so many opportunities for us to grow in faith. And to grow in love, love for Jesus and for others. We’ll be challenged and stretched. We will experience a full range of emotions. Look to Jesus, whether you are a weak and wounded sinner, a joy-filled new believer, or a baby learning to walk. Keep your eyes on him if you are in the midst of struggles and pain, or the joy in your heart calls you to dance for Jesus.

And if you are nearing the time to kiss the world goodbye, keep your eyes on Jesus. When you arrive on Glory’s side, and see him face to face, you will live forever with the one who gives you life eternal.

Glory to God!