“The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever”
(Isaiah 40:8)

Spring colors seem more vibrant this year than ever before. Our souls have longed for the richness of the colors and textures of the trees, bushes, and flowers. And now, Spring!

Grass that is growing in the Spring of 2021 is not the same grass that grew in Spring 2020 or in any year ever before. The red buds of our azaleas that have burst into bloom are new this year. Thy are not old blossoms coming back. All last year’s buds bloomed last year; this year our plants are making new buds.

We love the beauty of the flowers as they bloom but to watch the process of their decay and death always makes me sad. They do not endure forever. At the very moment you cut a bouquet to bring into the house to enjoy it begins to wither and die.

Life-and-death. It’s more than something that happens in our gardens. How well we know that we humans are temporary, “poof-gone” creations of God who have short, temporal live. But the eternal, never-dying, never-growing-obsolete, always-living-and trustworthy Word of our God stands forever.

J.D. Walt serves as the sower-in-chief for Seedbed. I listen to the Seedbed Daily Text podcast and appreciate J.D.’s insights into Scripture. He says, “This is the miracle of the Word of God. He has revealed his thoughts and ways, his mind and heart, his intensions, purposes, and will to us through his revealed Word.”¹

We can always depend on God’s Word. And when we come with open and prayerful hearts, God speaks to us through it.

Is there something on your mind that seems impossible? Are you dreading what lies ahead? Do the distractions of life keep you from spending time with the Lord?

Jesus invites you to come to him. You will find him in the Bible. The eternal, divine, holy and incarnate word of God is found in the written Word of God. Let him speak to you today.

Prayer—“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law” (Ps 119:18).


¹from First Word. Last Word. God’s Word. by J.D. Walt. A publication of Seedbed.com