Don’t we all love a story!

I shared two stories with you from my childhood in my last couple of blog posts (here and here). I especially enjoyed hearing from readers in my comments as well as on Facebook that these posts sparked memories from their own lives. I loved hearing their stories.

We all have stories. Some make us laugh. Others make us cry. And some still raise our heart rate even years after they happened. Our stories are woven into the fabric of who we are.

Here’s a disclaimer: Not all stories are warm and happy. Many people have experienced stories that caused hurt, disappointment, or brokenness, and they still carry the scars. In future blog posts we’ll look at what we can do if our stories have left us feeling unable to get past them. Jesus wants to redeem the brokenness in our stories.

Hymn of the Month

But today we celebrate “the old, old story of Jesus and his love.” If we have met Jesus and walk with him, we have a story that “satisfies our longings as nothing else would do.” This story is “more wonderfully sweet” each time we tell it. It is for those who “have never heard” and for “those who love it best.”

I Love to Tell the Story was written by Katherine Hankey in 1866. William G Fischer set it to music in 1869.

To listen to the hymn sung by Chris Rupp as an A Cappella rendition, click here

Robert Morgan of Grace Ministries tells the hymn story of I Love to Tell the Story here.

I think you’ll enjoy the story and will be encouraged by hearing the hymn sung.


This Thursday, August 19, marks the one-year anniversary of Salt & Pepper Blog. Starting August 26 I’ll be posting new blog entries on Thursday mornings only rather than posting twice a week.

Thank you for joining me on this journey as we experience life and faith as boomers and beyond. Please sign up to receive the blog via email if you haven’t already. You’ll find the form on the contact page.

And if you enjoy Salt & Pepper Blog, I’d be thrilled to have you share it with your friends.

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!
