A post was circulating on social media recently, a rather tragic story with an unexpectedly happy ending. Powerful and praiseworthy, I shared it and many people were blessed by the story.

It told of David and Svea Flood,  a young Swedish missionary couple who, in 1921 left Sweden for the Central African country of Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo). One difficulty after another plagued the couple. Weakened by malaria, Svea died, just days after giving birth to a baby girl. David left the baby with an American missionary couple and returned to Sweden.

The story whetted my appetite. I wanted to know more about these people and their brief work in Belgian Congo. I found this blog post on Randy Alcorn’s website. It is an excerpt from the book that the daughter had written. The book is called Aggie: A Girl Without a Country.

But best of all is this video I found. It is a wonderful testimony of God’s grace and his ability to see his purposes fulfilled. It all looked so bleak and hopeless to David Flood when his wife died. He returned to Sweden without his infant daughter. And the only one who had come to Christ through their ministry was a young boy. He felt that God had abandoned him.

But God! He was at work, continuing to write the story of this family and the church in Central Africa.

This is God’s work. We may each play a part in the building of God’s kingdom, but he alone is the one who makes it grow. Remember Paul’s words: I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth (1 Cor 3:6).All glory to God!
